Dec 10, 2009

I love books

.. and I love words, and fantastic sentences, and the smell of paper...
I hope I get to read lots of them over x-mas.

Dec 5, 2009


Beautiful Francoise Hardy.

Check out my pix at Gallery BOA, Oslo

Thursday evening was the opening night of the exhibition HERRE I EGET HUS @ Galleri BOA.

It's an exhibtion documenting works that has already been done, and this time it's about the documentation part of it rather than the work. I have these three pix there...

I did this a couple of years ago one late night in a park in Copenhagen. I'm super drawn to bright colours and also nature, so for me it was completely obvious that these large logs would need some colour. I looove the texture of the big logs, and especially with colours on them.

I did it just to cheer people up, and cause it made myself happy, and cause I couldn't resist. Pictures of it ended up in the danish newspaper Politiken.

More info about gallery BOA and the exhibition:

Electro DJ + violin = performance w/ Marte Krogh

Marte & I have done this a few times now. She playes the violin on top of some electronic music I play.

Last night we were hired in to do so at the norwegian engineer company Aker's x-mas bash. We got all dressed up, in sparkly dresses, and had fun, and forgot to take ix. It's always interesting to do this unexpected performance in front of lots of different audiences. This time it was men in suits, and dressed up women. A nice crowd, working for this big company.

Dec 1, 2009

My mismatch outfit

plaid school-girl skirt, leopard tights, plaid vans, and bright coloured lining in the coat. yum yum bubblegum

Nov 27, 2009

Played records at Monki store opening in Oslo

The swedish store Monki opened in oslo the other night, with a full on in-store-party. Super nice.

Here, in bright purple Monki top

(above pic from

Oct 21, 2009

Playing records @ Feminismekonferansen

If you're a lady, and want to see the following at Månefisken on oct 31st, join in! I'll be playing later on. On the music menu is: dancy electro, pop, some old school stuff, funky remixes of those 80s tunes + some brazilian baile funk + african beats.

Hot old Lady

Fantastic & beautiful old lady, found on Yvan Rodic's facehunter blog. I aspire to be like her!

Oct 2, 2009

Cobble-stones in Prague

I've been running around Prague for a few long work-days. It's been a nice journalist conference about the future of newspapers etc etc. The city offers beautiful architecture, sunlight, crystal glass and blah blah. But what I noticed the most, is the great cobble-stoned streets. So it's no biggie if you forget to look up at the grand buildings from way way back. Where you place your feet is as amazing :)

Sep 9, 2009

Prague: 27 sept - 1 oct

Going to Prague to cover the Young Reader Conference

Sep 1, 2009

Interviewed on NRK P2 radio

Last week I was interviewed at the norwegian radio channel NRK, in the program Mozart og Madonna on P2.

Chatted about experimenting with music and DJ'ing, but mainly about daring to do things you don't really know how to do, having fun and throwing yourself out of your comfort zone.

It's in norwegian, and I come in about halfway through, after a self-selected tune from the brazilian band Bonde de Role :)

Check out the radio-interview here

And for the record: long live NRK

DJ'ing for the crew of '4 star dinner'

Friday september 11th I'll be dj'ing at a party for the crew of the TV show "4 stjerners middage" / "4 star dinner".

Aug 19, 2009

Played records @ Eidsvoll Verk

Last friday, I played at masquerade-ball at Eidsvoll. The place is beautiful, with lots of old buildings, and the entire party were dressed in fantastic dresses and masques. It's getting slightly cold though, summer is over I guess.

Kolonihavehus in Copenhagen

Visiting my friend Cathrine's tiny kolonihave-house right outside copenhagen. We grilled squash and other vegetables from her little garden spot. Wonderful.

Copenhagen Fashion Week

One or two picks from backstage at Batlak & Selvig, whom of course had the best of the best of the best show :)
I snapped away, but sorry, can't share more than this. They are for other purposes.
But their garments are fantastic, so do check them out

katie lanphear, style director of ELLE US, on first row

Beachlife in Spain

Pamplona in red and white

Pia in Pamplona-gear

And dearest Kash

Bull-race at 8 am in the morning. Madness

Louise Bourgeois' spider outside Guggenheim

Artist Louise is almost a 100 years old, and had her break through really really late in life. She is french, but lives in new york, and the MAMAN spider is probabbly her most famous work. Google her name, cause her story is fascinating.

Bilbao, Pamplona, San Sebastian & Biarritz

This summer the holidaytrip went to Spain, where we rented a car and headed out venturing. Guggenheim in Bilbao, met up with our friends Kash & Pia, where the four of us headed for the bull-race in pamplona, and then we all went further to san sebastian, where I did a travel feature + pix for norwegian magazine KK.

Some pix from the trip follows!

Played @ wedding at Villa Malla - this summer's most fantastic night!!!

The bride, Cathrine, and her husband-to-be Erik, got married at Sonia Lee's wonderful place Villa Malla. My cousin and I dj'ed on the 3 hour boat-ride down to the wedding party and dinner, on this hot hot hot summer day.

Then we chilled on the beach, had a wonderful meal, and joined in on the party, where DJ Pia Skevik played. Then we played again on the boat trip back to town. It was a fantastic and hot summer night, and everyone danced on deck until early early morning. love was in the air!

...a happy dj...

...and an even happier bride...

As part of my freelance journalism work, I'm now in charge of updating the site (young readers), which is an information portal/ inspiration site, with info on youth and their media/reading habits.

How to attract a young readership is an important issue, for anyone working in newspapers or any media. I'm stating the obvious, but the youth are the voices of tomorrow, so tune in on them!

I'm also doing some school-projects with media students throughout this autumn.
And finally, on this issue; I'll be in Prague in september, at the Young Readers Conference.


My necklace in Cosmopolitan

My necklace featured in a shoot in Cosmopolitan

Self portrait