May 13, 2015

My latest story & photographs in DN Magasinet

CSA-farming, or "andelslandbruk" as we call it, is a fast growing movement. And a great one. Read my long-form article about it for the fantastic and well-reputed DN Magasinet. It was pure joy making this piece, as I've visited farmers across the country who all contribute to making our soil better for future generations.

Mar 13, 2015

A daytrip to the island of Hvalø // Interview & Photographs for NORD

I was so lucky to spend a day at this deserted island, with only two inhabitants. The result - both text and pictures - is in the winter issue of the fantastic food&lifestyle magazine NORD.

Jan 15, 2015


I've picked my needles up again, and have started knitting these colourful mohair scarves again. I knitted a couple of hundred of them a few years ago, and now I'm getting into the jive again. Can absolutely recommend one. Have a look at my online store:!