Dec 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

...from my family. Here's some pix from last night :)

Dec 10, 2012

EU & Nobel Peace Prize

I went to Save the Children's peace party today, where the EU-representatives were interviewed by kids aged 12. Well done to the kids - who wondered what EU plans to do for the children living in war-zones, what EU will do to keep on working for peace, if dictators have feelings..?

Here's Jose Barroso on his way out of the Nobel Peace Centre.
I had to be quick, so this is pretty blurry.

Dec 2, 2012

My first kråkebolle / sea urchin

I tried my first sea urchin last sunday at Mathallen. What a fun thing to try. Looked fantastic and tasted great. Slightly more nutty and mild than an oyster.

Dec 1, 2012

More Interior Inspiration

Images found somewhere on the Internet...

Nov 30, 2012

Status Quo

December 15th we're moving into our new place. This floor will be done by then (fingers crossed), while the work in the attic will start in january and take a couple of months. It's been a long journey. We're learning a lot about patience and how to co-operate with each other!

Last weekend we started putting up our kitchen. The weekend before we prepared our nice wooden floors, and this weekend we'll continue the kitchen and some more stuff.

Nov 29, 2012

Reportasjeleder-kurs i Fredrikstad

A couple of weeks ago I went to Fredrikstad, where I had never been before, to join a course for "reportasjeledere" at the Institute of Journalism. Is it called commissioning editor in english?

We were a group of 15 I think, who during the course of three days learnt, discussed, shared and laughed. It was a really good experience.

During the last day we all agreed on what it takes to be a good reportage-leader. I aspire to meet all of these points, which perhaps is a challenge :)

We started out with all of these points...

We then agreed, after lots of contemplating and discussions, that these were the most important things to do/be :)

Nov 28, 2012

Pecha Kucha - next week!

And this is the program. I'll be hosting the event which is on thursday. Come and be inspired :)

Nov 11, 2012

Eldrevann // Autumn in the Norwegian Mountains

A month ago ++ Espen and I and our friends Anders and Anna took a long weekend at my family's cabin at Eldrevann, close to Hemsedal. We went for walks in the mountains, hung-out, cooked, read books, had fun.

Pictures by all of us

Nov 6, 2012


I have my fingers crossed for Obama tonight! Here, an illustration by Obey.

Nov 2, 2012

Off to Budapest

I'm off to Budapest today for a long weekend (friday-monday) with my friends Colleen and Linn. We're going to treat ourselves to spa's every day, lengthy many-course dinners and a luxury hotel. Tata!

Oct 31, 2012

Oct 29, 2012

The Pro Belt

I walked by this wedding photographer on saturday and had to stop; cause check out this belt!! I never carry around this many lenses, but it's such a good idea to carry on the waist and not have them allover the place. The belt will definitely be my new buy.

Photo by Christina Skreiberg